Better than what...

Better than what... Better than ever... Better than your average bear... Better than I used to be... Better than nothing...
You'll just have to read on and decide for yourself.

About Me

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Springfield, MO, United States
I'm a continual work in progress.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 2 of Flumaggedon

Interestingly enough this variety of flu doesn't seem to affect my appetite. Other than making me crave cold and fresh. I'm sending Rhi out for a pickle. The headache is persistent and annoying and I have a persistent raspy noise behind my sinuses that's very disconcerting. I had a 102 degree fever yesterday which is minor for me. I use to scare my mom with my fevers. When we lived on Kentwood I had the chicken pox and topped out at 106. I remember laying there in my little bed with the frilly yellow bedspread waiting for my mom to get home from work and watching little pigs dancing across my bed. When mom got home and was taking my temp I bit the thermometer and she had to carefully wipe the glass out of my mouth with a washrag. Here's an interesting thought. Sometime over the last few years we've switched from mom coming over to check on me when I'm sick, bringing me 7up, maybe putting a cool cloth on my head to "don't come over mom, I don't want you getting this crap". Just the teeniest bit of sad there. Rhi's taking good care of me though and Dixie just threw herself on top of me and said I wuv you. She's keeping a close eye on me this week. I didn't need that spleen anyway.

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you are getting some rest - sounds like Dixie is doing her best to help with that! When you get bored, you can visit my blog to see the finished blue spice rack. Still working on the other when I get a few minutes!
